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Computational life science research

Solutions for computational biology and bioinformatics

Code Ocean supports computational research from every angle and at every type of life science research organization

Solutions for every member of the team

Computational Scientists@8x-1 Computational scientists

Code Ocean makes it easy for computational scientists and bioinformaticians to perform analysis, build pipelines, and reproduce their results in a secure cloud-based environment.

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IT & Engineering@8x-1 IT & engineering

Get computational teams up and running faster in the cloud, less dependent on IT and engineering resources, and using standardized computing environments across your organization.

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R&D Leadership@8x R&D leadership

Code Ocean creates an immutable scientific system of record. Prove what you discovered, when you discovered it, and how—without any additional work or platform lock-in.

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Bench Scientists@8x Bench scientists

Code Ocean makes it easier for bench scientists to work directly with computational colleagues. Spend less time waiting for analysis and more time moving research forward.

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Customer Case Study: Ochre Bio

How Ochre Bio automated a manual image processing workflow with Nextflow, speeding up their image pre-processing workflow by 10x and improving collaboration in their global team.

Solutions for every organization

Biotech@8x Biotechs

Get started and up to speed with minimal IT support to make powerful, reproducible bioinformatics tools available and accessible to the whole team

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Pharma@8x Pharma

Computational collaboration at scale across the entire research organization. FAIR, reproducible, traceable, and exportable across any time horizon with no lock-in.

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Organization@8x Research institutes

Accelerate onboarding for new team members, work collaboratively across different teams, and make your research more accessible and interoperable.

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University@8x Universities

Use cloud computing without spending any time on system administration. Keep costs low and help new researchers get set up with new environments and resources in minutes, not weeks.

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    What our customers say

    Code Ocean's self-service capabilities makes it easy for our scientists to do their work reproducibly. New users to the platform can get far with just a little support, giving our engineers time to focus on domain-specific challenges.


    Dr. David Feng
    Director of Scientific Computing, Allen Institute

    What our customers say

    Code Ocean totally solves tracking and reproducing analysis for researchers and increases trust in the results.


    Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Ph.D
    Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

    What our customers say

    Code Ocean enabled us to move from individual mode to true teamwork and allowed us to develop standards for the group and share code efficiently. We improved as we moved while being able to reproduce every result.


    Yair Benita, PhD
    Head of Science Operations, CytoReason

    What our customers say

    The biggest win at Lantern is the pipeline we developed, and the value of Code Ocean was that it allowed the whole team to work together ... we were able to have a shared environment for collaboration.


    Peter Carr
    Principal Platform Architect, Lantern Pharma

    What our customers say

    Code Ocean sped up our internal image pre-processing computational workflow by at least 10x, improving collaboration and productivity between our global teams across time zones and removing the need for complicated and painful cloud computing infrastructure set up.


    Dimitris Polychronopoulos
    Director of In Silico Biology, Ochre Bio

    Solutions for every use case

    Data Analysis@8x Data analysis

    Use ready-made template Compute Capsules to analyze data, or develop your own analysis workflow in your preferred language and IDE.

    Data Management@8x Data management

    Code Ocean uses custom metadata and controlled vocabularies to ensure consistency and improve searchability.

    Pipelines@8x Bioinformatics pipelines

    Build pipelines using a modular, visual builder, or import from nf-core in 1-click. Runs on AWS Batch.

    Machine Learning@8x AI and machine learning

    Install GPU-ready environments and provision GPU resources in a few clicks. MLflow built-in.

    Multiomics@8x Multiomics

    Process and integrate multiomics data with clear provenance and reproducibility, and no-code visualization apps built-in.

    Image processing@8x Image processing

    Automate and parallelize multi-step image processing workflows with easy-to-assemble image processing pipelines and data asset tracking.

    Cloud management@8x Cloud management

    Easily provision the compute you need. Spot instances, idleness detection, and automated shutdown help reduce cloud costs.

    Provenance@8x Result provenance

    Keep track of all how all result data was generated with automated result provenance through the generation of the Lineage Graph.