OSL for Publishers
Research integrity for peer-reviewed code submission
The Open Science Library (OSL) is the industry standard for computational scientific reproducibility and research integrity in peer-reviewed journals.

Peer-reviewed submissions made by thousands of authors:

Most publicly available code includes errors and doesn’t list dependencies

A lot of peer-reviewed computational research isn’t reproducible

Git wasn’t made to present code and data related to research
Low-quality code submission hurts research integrity
Guarantee computational reproducibility
The OSL runs on Compute Capsules that automatically capture and preserve the code, data, and environment dependencies used in computational research.

Increase article citations
Research suggests a 25% increase in citations when code and data are made available with persistent DOI identifiers. This also helps authors comply with funding agency requirements.

Improve searchability and accessibility
Researchers using the Open Science Library are better able to explore, find, access, and reuse computational research.