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June 8, 2022

Code Ocean Adds VS Code Support, New Automation API, and Compute Capsule Pipelines with Version 2.0

Code Ocean Computational Lab Release 2.0 is now available and includes a new cloud workstation for VS Code, automation APIs, Compute Capsule pipelines, streamlined and refreshed user interfaces, and several performance and usability improvements.

New VS Code Cloud Workstation

With this release, data scientists and developers can now develop, test, and run their code in the popular VS Code environment for their favorite programming language.  This provides a great environment for managing complex programs in a Compute Capsule all from within a browser.

Automation API:

Code Ocean APIs provide access to both data and computational capabilities of the Code Ocean Lab.  Developers can leverage the API for automation of repetitive tasks, such as data upload and management, and enable integration of computational workflows into a variety of data, analytics, or production systems.  This enables science models and results to be used in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks.  The REST API provides functionality to:

  • Create, query, update, delete, and archive data assets
  • Query and run compute capsules and retrieve results
  • Query computation status and list individual computation results

Compute Capsule Pipelines (Early Access Preview):

Compute Capsules can now be assembled to create custom analytic pipelines.  This allows scientists to create customized workflows and take advantage of different compute capsules to build a full end-to-end analytic process.  The pipeline will automatically scale computational resources with Nextflow on AWS Batch to optimize processing time and deliver intermediate and end results for full pipeline visibility.

New Code Ocean UI and Features:

A redesigned user interface provides streamlined access to the Code Ocean platform with a modern look and feel across the main dashboard and pages for managing data, capsules, accounts, and admin tasks.

New features across data, capsules, and account management improve usability and improve productivity.

Data Management:

  • Options for downloading or creating a dataset from a file contained in the scratch folder
  • Ability to create a new dataset by linking to an external AWS S3 folder
  • Data details panel containing metadata and properties of data assets with options to share, download, or archive the data asset
  • Ability to archive and unarchive datasets

Capsule Management:

  • Timeline filter for viewing timeline changes by commits or runs
  • Option to switch git branches for version control and management
  • Bitbucket support for version management of capsules
  • Log capture of failed runs are downloadable from the timeline panel

Account Management:

  • Account management page for securely managing secrets, credentials, and access tokens
  • Admin tools for generating and bundling logs together to aid in management and troubleshooting

Cloud Workstation UI

  • New toolbar added that enables data capture and dataset management from within any Cloud Workstation
  • Added ability to shut down a Cloud Workstation from the Code Ocean sidebar

For more details, read the online documentation, or reach out to us at


Tag(s): Product

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